SEBBA Membership
If you are not currently a Southeastern Beefmaster Breeder Association member, please join and be a part of the SEBBA family! SEBBA is the largest Satellite Association of Beefmaster Breeders United. SEBBA’s annual membership is a business investment that allows you to be represented at the local level of BBU.
Benefits of SEBBA membership include:
- Opportunity to consign cattle to 3 SEBBA consignment sales: March-SEBBA’s Dixie National Sale, August-SEBBA’s Convention Sale, and September-SEBBA’s Investment Beefmaster Bull and Commercial Female Sale
- Opportunity to enter Miss Beefmaster America
- Opportunity to enter SEBBA National Beefmaster Bull Championship
- Receive information about shows and events by Email
- Help promote Beefmasters through SEBBA marketing
- Provide input on SEBBA Policy
- Help support BBU programs
- Networking Opportunities
- Beefmaster Education
- Kids of members are eligible for scholarship money through the SEBBA’s Fred “Hoss” Shaw Scholarship
- SEBBA BEEF promotional products
- Representation to help set policy in Beefmaster Breeders United
To join or renew, click the button below and complete the form: